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Trailrides, Lessons,

& Relaxation Connections


Riding Lessons for all Ages


Lessons are generally once a week and and hour long and vary among ages and skill level but can be customized to your individual needs .....lessons are a 5 lesson minimum or they will be considered regular  rides $40 ea ride

Lessons Start at $25 a lesson


Trailrides & Arena Days 


Trailrides are 1 - 2 hours long all rides start with a small horse lesson of how to control the horse and be safe so your ride is nothing but an enjoyable one. They go through the area of lots of beauty and wildlife .

Arena days are group rides riding in the arena for a scheduled amount of time that large groups can trade off time with one another and get everyone to ride and have time riding all rides are supervised and accompanied by Personal & must be Scheduled

Trail Rides

$85-$120 per person 1Hr

2 Hr $150-175 per person

Arena Days pricing must call


Relaxation Connections

 Relaxation Connections & Horse Help

 Riding  is for all ages and walks of life from, Timid, Autistic, Troubled, People and Horses that just need some love and Understanding of  life's journey Learning the importance of connecting and realaxing with your inner self at the same time bonding with another soul . 

Horse Help is for horses and people with your own horse. I enjoy helping people with there horses and making there rides more enjoyable and safer . I specialize with broke horses that have behavior problems, or rehabilitation issues as well as help there owners understand those issues or to help the owner achieve the right commands and signals that they are wanting from there horse.

Call For pricing



Reserve your spot

I Love working with people and horses and would love to have you join us for a session no matter what your experience . Come Learn the true Heart of a Horse and enjoy a relaxing enjoyable time . ....

435-260-9930 or 435-587-3032

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